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Interface Designer in the Office

about me


Hi, I'm Clearance Morumudi I am a web developer and a programmer.


Anything that is related to websites, web applications or desktop application i am your guy. I am a web developer, programmer and i love programming and creating beautiful and functional websites, web applications or desktops application.


I am more of a full stack and i do well on front-end and back-end. i have done few project on my own and as well as with the team. I have more than two years of experience in the world of programming and the project that i have done were mostly web application and desktop applications. I have developed application from nothing to a well working application.


Information about me


After completing my System Development, I did join Deviare and did some online courses related to development. Firstly I started with MEAN Stack, Diploma in UI/UX and JAVA Full stack currently


All the application that i developed/ that we have developed mostly we were using this languages:

  1. C#

  2. JavaScript

  3. TypeScript

Currently i personally i am working my skills with Java language and trying to develop more application using Java. I am someone who love challenges and they make us grow rapidly in the field of technology. Below are some of the frameworks that i used while doing all those project:

  1. ASP .NET MVC C# razor views

  2. Razor pages

  3. Angular

  4. Express



Further more, for runtime environment and integrated environment i was dealing with node js and SSMS. For database mostly i was dealing with SQL and mostly i was working more with SSMS. Currently i am dealing with MySQL and i also loved working with Mongodb (noSql). However, we all know that in order to deliver the best website and web application we aught to work with xml or html/html5 and for the beauty of the web application or websites we require the knowledge of the following:

  1. CSS/CSS3

  2. Bootstrap

  3. SASS

  4. SCSS

A knowledge of one of the above makes the websites or web application look too good and and attractive. Example of that, is my website.




For more, please check my portfolio below.







10 Endeman street

Dawn Park




WhatsApp: 076 960 6305

Cell: +27 76 960 6305

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